'Just-ti' not only stands for "just titanium" and also a play on the periodic table for titanium, but it also stands for these beautiful mini mirrored gold bar earrings. The bar is so shiny it works like a mirror. These detachable earrings are feather light, and with an allergy-free titanium stud (not included). they're perfect for those who suffer from metal sensitivities. With so many different women coming from so many different backgrounds, it's not surprising that ear sensitivity is a big issue. So go ahead and show off your mirrored mini gold bar earrings while staying stylish and comfortable!
Collect TI-GO detachable earrings for a truly hypoallergenic jewelry collection. They are amazingly quick and easy to use. All detachable earrings require the TI-GO titanium Magnetic Stud Base; get it .
8mm wide x 23mm long.