This bouquet is made with satin roses in your choice of colors and wrapped with satin ribbon. It also has the most beautiful brooches and rhinestones as decorations.
This bouquet is available in 2 sizes.
Save money and make the bouquet yourself, by purchasing the diy bouquet kit. The kit includes everything you need to make this beautiful bouquet.
The kit includes:
10 Rhinestone and pearl brooches for 8" bouquet / 15 brooches for the 10" bouquet
30 Satin roses 8" bouquet / 50 roses for the 10" bouquet
Ribbon, wood holder and half styrofoam half ball
Please view color charts and provide your color choice in the comment section of checkout.
**Some of the brooches may not be the exact ones used in the picture but they will be of the same high quality.*